Saturday, September 24, 2005

Saturday, 24 September... Morning Light

I ventured out on the front porch, with Miss C on her retractable leash. There were certain things from which we both needed to relieve ourselves.

The wind was extremely strong from the northeast and there were pockets of rain and mist.

The house was so dark, that we returned to bed. I turned on the television, and to my surprise, all channels were availabe . The power had gone out during the night, for several hours, so I was surprised that cable was still functioning.

I tuned back in to the hurricane programming, to get an update on how everyone fared, and to determine the predictions of Rita's full impact.

As I feared, she hit my brother's county hard. And she was heading toward my hometown, the locale to which I had intended to evacuate, and I began to worry about my aunt and uncle.


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