Saturday, September 24, 2005

Saturday, 24 September... Hurricane Hits

I woke up four times in the night, cognizant of the stages of Rita's passing.

Twice I woke up with Miss C having what sounded like an episode of asthma. My chatroom buddies had told me to give her Benadryl (they even called the emergency vet!) beforehand. I didn't because she seemed so calm. She had these two "attacks", and readjusted herself so that I could hold her and love on her. Once calm, we both fell back asleep.

Twice more, I woke up to sounds of horrific wind. Birch had told me that it would sound as if you were standing by a passing train. She was right. I imagined myself in Chicago, as a train passed. The sound was exactly the same. I managed to fall back asleep.

Several times, I also heard things hitting the house. They sounded like small things, and although I remember hearing them, I don't think they fully woke me up.

A house that is fully boarded up, is really quite peaceful. I think, if I hadn't expended so much energy in preparation... I might have actually had a hellish night, full of anxiety and fear. I guess that I'm somewhat lucky, that having done so much myself, that exhaustion pulled me through the worst.


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