Friday, September 23, 2005

Friday, 23 September... The First Limb Falls

Wind had been picking up quickly after around 7pm, and I began keeping a watch for the time to board the terrace door.

I also had allowed Miss C to stay in the yard as long as she wanted, in an effort to squeeze the last bit of everything out of her. My thinking was that it might be quite a while before she could go out again, and I know she would burst to keep from relieving herself in the house (even though it would be perfectly ok with me, under these circumstances).

I kept an eye on her from my computer, which is next to the terrace door. As I looked out at her, there came a sudden gust of wind, that dislodged a limb from the pecan tree... and it hit her. She reacted in typical golden retriever style... she backed up and then pounced on it!

But it upset me! It scared me! Her time in the backyard was officially declared OVER!


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