Friday, September 23, 2005

Friday, 23 September... Panic Sets In

After coaxing and unwilling Miss C into the house, I set my last preparation activity into motion.

I moved the bbq pit into the study (tile floors, thank goodness!), opened the front door, and took the ladder to the patio.

I placed shims at the base of the wooden sill and hoisted the final plywood into place. With my cordless drill and some screws that Oscar left me, I began to board up the last opening.

Everytime I began to use the drill, however, the screw popped out. I tried and tried and tried... until I was panicked enough to concede that I wasn't strong enough to complete the task. (This is difficult for me to admit, even to myself. I am a self sufficient scrapper of a survivor!!!).

I had seen three teenage boys across the street, so I decided to seek their help. Two of them were the sons of a neighbor, one of which has both been very friendly toward me and had come to my rescue before. I ask if they can help, and they seem more than happy to assist me.

The two neighbors tell me that their friend is far more "handy" than they are, and he takes the drill and screws in hand. He tries one screw and it pops out. I am about to panic, when he says... the drill is in reverse! I feel stupid now... but he makes the adjustment and finishes the job. He is tall, so the ladder isn't needed.

The kids are so cool and nice. They tell me that they are going to watch the hurricane blow in from outside. I tell them that there is a part of me that would love to do that... and they invited me over! They also tell me they love my house (as they walked through on the way to do the deal... I'm sure what they loved was the bar that they walked by!!!).

I thanked and thanked and thanked them, and I moved the ladder inside the front door. The wind was brisk and there was moisture in it... but no rain.


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