Saturday, September 24, 2005

Saturday, 24 September... Got Wine, Seek Company

In the late afternoon, early evening, I opened a bottle of wine and poured a glass. I was feeling s sense of relief that we had both dodged the bullet and successfully completed the fire drill.

I walked down to Rambo's house where he and his friend D, his wife and our neighbors S&T were hanging out and enjoying drinks. I asked if it would be ok if I enjoyed my bottle of wine with them. Their response was a resounding, bring it on!

I had a wonderful time, which was punctuated with their next door neighbors return home. We stood in their driveway and visited. Their intentions were to shower up and head to JR's. I placed my order with them and remained behind to sip another glass of wine.

It was not much longer when I felt the need to crash. I thanked my host and hostess and headed for home. Rambo and D escorted me part of the way, and it embarassed me. It was good to know, though, that there were people who were concerned about me.


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