Sunday, September 25, 2005

Sunday, 25 September... Rambo Returns

Rambo evidently watched me sweep my driveway earlier in the morning. I did so, before I backed my car out of the garage.

He walked down and rang the bell around 1130am, to tell me that he had about an hour's worth of work to do at home, and then he would be down to clean up my yard. I immediatley protested, but he insisted. I was SO grateful, I just can't express it enough.

I immediately began to rake and pick up the backyard. For him to do the front was enough to accept. The backyard was far worse than the front. The heat was a killer, but I got most of it up.

Rambo and D came down in a couple of hours and while Rambo mowed and bagged the front, D helped me move the limbs and bags to the curb. It was hot, and I was happy to provide gatorade, but it wasn't enough to really make a difference.

A, from the corner, came down and we had a good visit. J had to go to work, but she said that she was IN for a late afternoon get-together.


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