Friday, September 23, 2005

Friday, September 23... Total Darkness Excepting One Ray of Light

Sleeping in a boarded up house is serenity. I would probably still be asleep if it weren't for the one terrace door which remains unboarded.

I awoke, still groggy, and noticed a blast of light from the door. It didn't enter my bedroom, but shone quite surreally in the darkness of the house.

Miss C and I took our time in accepting that it was morning. I finally got up and let her out, then made her breakfast.

We returned to the bed, since everything that had to be done had been done... until much closer to landfall.

We wanted to watch leisurely morning television, but the major networks were all hurricane, all day. We ventured over to watch cable television, just for a break.

I cooked two biscuits and sausage, and was proud that I was able to eat all of both.

Thus was the beginning of an earily peaceful day.


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